Game Of Thrones Season 8: 7 Last-Minute Predictions For Episode 4

3. Lots Of Death

Game of Thrones Varys

Back in the immediate aftermath of The Long Night's release, some fans complained that not enough characters had died. The reality, of course, is that this show never kills characters in major battles: only Ygritte, Stannis and Rickon have died on battlefields and even they aren't really MAJOR characters like the mains. It's just not the Thrones way.

Far more likely is that the writers consciously chose to leave the majority of the season's main characters - and some elevated support like Varys, Tormund, Brienne and Davos - alive only to then put them in an even worse situation. After all, it's going to hurt the fans a lot more to see them killed after celebrating a victory and it would fit with the Thrones trope of pulling swift, bloody doom out of good places.

Robb Stark died at his wedding, Joffrey died while enjoying his favourite past-time of bullying (and at his own wedding), Littlefinger died as he thought he was watching a threat to him being set up to die, Theon was turned into Reek after apparently being rescued and Tywin died while having a post-coital dump. The show LOVES to pull this sort of thing, and it looks like they're already plotting...

Basically, don't get too comfortable with the idea that your favourites are out of the woods.


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