Game Of Thrones Season 8: 7 Last-Minute Predictions For Episode 4

!. Jon And Dany Escape To Dragonstone

Dany Jon Game Of Thrones

It might be bad news for some of the survivors in this episode, if things do as predicted here, but we do know that both Dany and Jon are safe (hence the suggestion that Dany might be the one doing the murdering). That's because we've seen footage of them together at a later point in the season already, thanks to the first trailer.

As was spotted by one Redditor, the "Together" teaser showed the pair together at Dragonstone (based on the recognisable detail on the fireplace), which means both that they retreat from Winterfell AND that they both survive whatever happens in episode four. Them at least, anyway.

Could we be looking at a case of Jon not knowing the truth of what happens at Winterfell? It's unlikely he'd choose to go with Dany if he did know that and the scene doesn't look like they're actively fighting. If anything, there's the merest hint that she has something major on her mind (staring into fires always carries that sort of connotation).

Check the trailer here...

On top of all of this is the line from Tyrion, that you can bet comes from this episode too: "We must fight together now, or die." That suggests the tensions are still wide open even after the victory over the Night King and it wouldn't be the first time a character had called EXACTLY what was about to happen...

Basically, expect something pretty terrible to go down. It's all set up that way.

As ever, this could just be a case of the show setting up red herrings and not delivering (or delivering something different) as they did with the Crypt sequence in The Long Night (and yes, I am PAINFULLY aware that trying to predict this show is a fool's gambit), but doesn't it just fit nicely?

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