Game Of Thrones Season 8: 8 Clues From Episode 2's Trailer

5. Jorah Discovers The Valerian Steel

Jorah Heartsbane

As was established in that delightful McGuffin set up scene in the first episode (which also established that Sam has books from the Citadel, just in case anyone needs irrefutable proof of Jon's parentage at a later date), Sam has Heartsbane with him in Winterfell.

The "missing" Valyrian steel sword will no doubt become increasingly important now that the wights and White Walkers are at the Starks' doors and it seems from the trailer that it might be Ser Jorah Mormont who wields it. After missing out on Longclaw - his family's ancestral weapon - it seems he's destined to get his hands on some Valyrian steel.

And when you think about it, Jorah does fit with George RR Martin's band of favourites, who are more often than not marked by some sort of scars or disability. So maybe he's also destined to kill a White Walker just as Sam did?


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