Game Of Thrones Season 8 Breakdown: What 'Winterfell' REALLY Means

3. Jon Knows His True Past

Game of Thrones Ned Statue

It was only a matter of time before Jon found out that he's really a Targaryen and the true heir to the Iron Throne, especially with Samwell in possession of the information. And we didn't have to wait all that long for the revelation.

After mentions of marriage and signs of true love, Samwell was compelled to tell Jon partly by Creepy Bran's instruction and partly because Dany revealed that she's slain his family. He did so in the Winterfell crypt (where better to tell secrets about the Stark family than in the company of their actual skeletons?) in a moment of anger.

The ramifications of this will be felt next episode, clearly, but his immediate reaction appeared to be one of disbelief (and anger at the disrespect to Ned Stark's name and honour) before he was reassured by the fact that it was coming from Sam. So how does he deal with this now? Does he tell Dany and risk her seeing him as a threat? Does he keep it to himself and seek to suppress Sam and Bran?

If Varys finds out he's the true heir, he will rally behind him (he's already expressed concerns about Dany's fitness to rule, after all). If the Northern bannermen find out, they'll demand he takes his place as the rightful king. If Sansa finds out, she'll surely do the same. It's a difficult position for Jon and Dany, to say the least.


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