Game Of Thrones Season 8: WILL The Dead Starks Rise From Winterfell Crypt?

6. Jon's Dream

Game Of Thrones Jon S Dream

As has been quite widely spoken about recently, there's a very key part in the books about Jon dreaming that he went into the crypts and was met by the "dead kings" as they "came stumbling from their cold black graves."

Now, the book treats that as a nightmarish vision and Jon awakens in terror, but the symbolism here was clearly all about Jon and Ned's familial secret. The dead weren't rising in Jon's vision to destroy him, it was a sign of real kinship - a validation of his bloodline.

But what if it was also a prophetic vision of what would happen if Winterfell was ever attacked? Jon's story has been marked for a long time by his not being accepted as a true Stark and while everyone is focused heavily on the fact that he is in fact a Targaryen, his mother's bloodline is just as important - at least to him. Having his acceptance manifest in the Dead coming to his aid - just as they do for Aragorn in Lord Of The Rings (as the one true king) - would be a hell of a symbolic gesture.

It's so good in that respect, in fact, that you almost wish it was set in stone. Having said that, there's something of a problem we need to address here.


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