Game Of Thrones Season 8: WILL The Dead Starks Rise From Winterfell Crypt?

4. The Beheaded Direwolves

Direwolves Winterfell Crypt

As one very clever Imgur user spotted, the Boltons' conquest of Winterfell was orchestrated by an invading force intent on humiliating their legacy. Ramsay might as well have smeared the walls in his excrement, because even with Bolton colours flying, Winterfell remained a monument to the Starks.

Naturally, Ramsay rebelled against the place by lashing out and defiled the Crypt as an act of defiance, removing the heads of the direwolves who sat on either side of the entrance to the Crypt as seen at the start of season 7. It's his way of joking, sickly, about the fates of Robb and Ned.

But what if that was also done as a subtle nod to the show's intentions for those departed Starks? What if the imagery of two headless direwolves literally guarding the Crypt was intentional? That would be some clever foreshadowing for Robb and Ned rising and defending the innocents in the Crypt from the Dead Army.

Also, what else would make Arya, a fearless assassin who has expressed her excitement at meeting the Dead and killing them anew than the site of her own family rising from the dead? After all, the deaths of both Ned and Robb will be burned into her mind like none others because of her proximity to them. So that would certainly make sense, even if the revived Starks WERE acting for good.


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