Game Of Thrones Spin-Off: Everything We Know About 'The Long Night'

7. It's Being Created By Jane Goldman (And George R.R. Martin)

Jane Goldman
Gage Skidmore [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

There were a number of talented storytellers whose spin-off ideas were being considered by HBO (and some of them still are), with Brian Helgeland, Bryan Cogman, Carly Wray, and Max Borenstein all pitching for the job, but in the end, it's Jane Goldman who won out.

That's definitely a good thing, because Goldman has proved herself as a gifted screenwriter and especially adept in genre fare, having penned the likes of Stardust, Kick-Ass, and X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Her story was created alongside George R.R. Martin himself - he was also helping develop ideas with Wray and Cogman - but the author has been keen to point out that it's Goldman who deserves the bulk of the credit. While it obviously comes from the lore he created, she's very much putting her own spin on things as the writer of the pilot's script, and showrunner of the series should it be picked up. Prior to her pilot being ordered, Goldman had confirmed it'd be blending her typical sense of humour and love of gore and violence, as seen in the likes of Kick-Ass and Kingsman.

Two people who won't be heavily involved, though, are Game of Thrones creators D.B. Weiss and David Benioff - they'll be getting executive producer credits, but won't have any direct involvement.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.