Game Of Thrones Theories: 10 Epic Season 5 Moments Still To Come

9. Theon Finally Gets Some Balls

Game of Thrones

The Theon/Reek plot has been running for too long, whether you care to admit it or not, and he's now been through all of the stages of torture possible. Now that he's at rock-bottom, the only conceivable way for Reek to go is up.

So can we expect him to grow a set and stand up to his tormentor? Probably not, since he's just got Sansa's only potential ally at Winterfell skinned alive, but Sansa might have the emotional power to make his guilt more powerful than his fear.

The Evidence:

Come on, it has to happen. Episode nine's brief synopsis states that Sansa confronts an old friend, which suggests she's going to ask Reek why he lacks the testicular fortitude to stand up to Ramsay.

He might just show her it's more a penile issue, but if the show is indeed heading the same sort of way as the books, the artist formerly known as Theon really has to stand up to his master to help Sansa escape.

And given that his father is listed in the IMDB cast for episode ten, it looks like he might be ferrying Sansa to the Iron Islands.


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