Game Of Thrones vs Lord Of The Rings: Which Is Better?

Decide!...Or Not.

aragron and jamie Here's our final point and then we promise, we'll stop. Consider the if. Does there have to be a winner? Some of you have already voiced your opinion on this matter in the comments sections of the two previous parts, but now's your chance to give your full reasons as to why you think there is room for both series and how it's not fair to compare pieces of art. Perhaps the hidden devious point of this whole article was to present proof that two shouldn't be compared to each other at all regardless of the fact that they both happen to be part of the fantasy genre. As sneaky as that might be our hope is that it was as fun to read as it was to write. On other hand, it's also ok to say that you prefer one over the other. Some people like the grittiness and more realistic approach to fantasy that Martin brings to the table, while others enjoy the escapism and adventure of Tolkien's Rings. It all comes down to the fanbase. Rings caters to family-friendly high fantasy lovers. Thrones caters to family-unfriendly contemporary fantasy lovers. Is there room in your heart for both these ultra-popular slices of fantasy? Is there something extra special you particularly enjoy in one and not the other? Could you pick a side? Let us know in the comments below.

Nik's passions reside in writing, discussing and watching movies of all sorts. He also loves dogs, tennis, comics and stuff. He lives irresponsibly in Montreal and tweets random movie things @NikGrape.