Game Of Thrones: 10 Things We Learned From "The Children"

7. Cersei Gives Tywin An Ultimatum

Despite being betrothed to Loras Tyrell, Cersei tells Tywin that she refuses to marry him. Tywin insists that the matter is closed, and that with Tyrion about to be executed and Jaime unable to take titles and lands, her role in their future is more vital than ever. Cersei insists that she stay in King€™s Landing with Tommen, and tells Tywin how she was almost ready to kill her son during the Blackwater battle when she thought he would be taken away from her. Joffrey is dead and Myrcella has been taken to Dorne, so Tommen is all she has left, and she won€™t have Tywin and Margarey fighting over him. It€™s obvious she€™s not playing around when she tells Tywin that if she€™s shipped away, she€™ll publicly reveal the truth: that she and Jaime are lovers. Tywin has spent years oblivious to the truth, and if this information gets out, the Lannister legacy will be destroyed. Tywin claims he doesn€™t believe her, but his expression suggests otherwise. Although he doesn€™t say anything, it€™s clear he€™ll cave to her demands. Later, Cersei visits Jaime. He chides her for her actions towards Tyrion. She says she€™d do anything to protect her family, but Tyrion isn€™t her family. He, in her opinion, killed their mother. Jaime reasonably points out that Tyrion didn€™t decide to kill their mother, but Cersei compares their brother to a disease: it doesn€™t choose to kill you, but you cut it out before it can. Jaime attempts to continue the argument, but she promptly kisses him. She informs him that Tywin knows about their night-time activities, and that she won€™t be married to Loras. Whatever people may say about them, she won€™t care because she€™ll be with the man she loves. Nothing says celebrating your continued relationship like a good screw on an engraved table. Seriously though, that was a gutsy move on Cersei€™s part. Although she€™s made her opinions clear on many occasions, she€™s gone along with her father€™s plans for the most part. This time, though, compromise was off the table. Cersei loves very few people, but two of the people she does care about are in King€™s Landing, and she€™ll do whatever it takes to stay with them, even if it means destroying the family name. Her relationship with Tywin is ruined, but he won€™t take action against her. The Lannister legacy means too much for him to risk on a wedding. Plus, chances are that someone would end up dead at that wedding anyway. Seriously people, don€™t get married in Game of Thrones.

Adam Holmes is a writer who loves a good story whether it's fact or fiction. When he's not day-dreaming about time travel, he's usually immersing himself in all things film, television and comic books. He hopes to one day break into the entertainment journalism industry. Yes, he is aware of his resemblance to Clark Kent and McLovin. Keep up on the latest geek news by following his articles at Unleash The Fanboy: