Game Of Thrones: 10 Things We Learned From "Oathkeeper"

10. Daenerys€™ Forces Have Liberated Meereen

This episode launched phase two of Daenerys€™ plan to free the slaves. Grey Worm (who we see taking English lessons from Missandei) leads a contingent of Unsullied to sneak into Meereen. Entering though the sewer system, they find a large group of slaves discussing Daenerys€™ offer of freeing them. Some want to fight for their freedom, others are afraid of being killed and point out that previous slave revolts have failed. Grey Worm reveals himself and states that Daenerys is true to her word. One slave points out that they don€™t have weapons, prompting Grey Worm€™s troops to unload bags full of weapons. Armed, the slaves revolt against their masters, and within hours, Meereen is free. Daenerys and her army are let into the city, and like the Yunkish slaves freed last season, the chant €œMhysa€ as she passes through. Looking at the slave masters still alive, she remembers that 163 slave children were nailed to mile posts leading to Meereen. She orders that the same punishment be dealt to the masters, and soon they are all nailed by the hands to mile posts in the blazing sun, some still screaming from the pain. Ever since slaughtering the slave masters in Astapor, it€™s been Daenerys€™ personal mission not just to see slaves everywhere freed, but to punish those who owned other human beings. Since they crucified children to provoke her, she sees it as only fair if they get the same treatment. Barristan tries to tell her that injustice should sometimes be answered with mercy, but she won€™t hear any of it. She will answer justice with justice! It also looks like, unlike the other two cities, Daenerys€™ will be sticking around as Meereen€™s new ruler. While we€™ve seen her lead before, this is the first time that she€™s in charge of an entire city. It will be interesting to see how she rules, and if she truly has what it takes to be a queen.

Adam Holmes is a writer who loves a good story whether it's fact or fiction. When he's not day-dreaming about time travel, he's usually immersing himself in all things film, television and comic books. He hopes to one day break into the entertainment journalism industry. Yes, he is aware of his resemblance to Clark Kent and McLovin. Keep up on the latest geek news by following his articles at Unleash The Fanboy: