Game Of Thrones: 5 Winners & 5 Losers In 'Oathkeeper'

The Losers:

5. Meera Reed

Whilst it€™s never ideal being a hostage, it€™s even worse when you find yourself in the situation of being one of a number of hostages. This leads to the inevitable and unfortunate ranking of each captive's comparative value. Blessed by the good fortunes of the Gods, the Night€™s Watch mutineers have had three highborn hostages fall into their laps, but the reality is that they really don€™t need that many. For the sake of keeping themselves secure, two hostages would be sufficient: one to trade, and one to keep as insurance. The bad news for Meera is that she ranks lowest on the scale of hostage importance in this instance.

Bran is obviously the most valuable hostage to the mutineers, being the brother of their enemy, and between Jojen and Meera, the choice is purely gender specific. In the medieval setting, if the captors are going to have their way with anyone, it€™s going to be the girl. This is clearly evident by the way that Karl Tanner interacts with her during the scene, fondling her hair and touching her skin. Whichever way the story develops (Meera has already shown that she can take care of herself), things right now are not looking too optimistic.


Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.