Game Of Thrones: 7 Things We Learned From "The Mountain And The Viper"

5. Jorah€™s Secret Is Revealed

While overseeing the removal of the slaver corpses in Meereen, Barristan is given a letter by a boy (perhaps one of Varys€™ little birds). After reading it, he goes to find Jorah to show him its contents. It turns out it€™s a royal pardon for Jorah from King Robert Baratheon, meaning that Jorah€™s previous spying on Daenerys has come to light. Although Barristan wanted to let Jorah know first, he plans to take this information to Daenerys, and says that Jorah will never be alone with her again. Later, Jorah is called into the throne room and is asked by Daenerys why he was pardoned. He tries to tell her that this is Tywin Lannister€™s attempt to divide them, but she won€™t have any of his excuses. Jorah relents and reveals that he used to send letters with information about her to Varys, such as when she married Khal Drogo, when her brother died and when she was carrying Drogo€™s child. Connecting the dots, Daenerys realizes that Jorah was able to save her from the wine merchant several seasons back because he knew (or at least suspected) that the wine was poisoned. Jorah begs for forgiveness, but Daenerys isn€™t feeling generous considering one her most trusted confidants had been spying on her for her enemies. Luckily for Jorah, he won€™t be executed since she doesn€™t want him in the city dead or alive. Instead, she gives him until dusk to collect his things and leave the city, otherwise she€™ll throw his head in Slaver€™s Bay. We last see Jorah on a horse leaving the city before the sunset. As viewers, we knew that Jorah had been spying on Daenerys for several seasons. However, it grew clear that after a certain point, Jorah developed feelings for her. He may have originally grown close to her for information, but over time he began to truly believe in her and turned his back on King€™s Landing. As he said, he€™s fought and killed for her, so in his eyes he€™s made up for his past sins. Unfortunately for him, Daenerys doesn€™t see it that way. No matter what he€™s done for her recently, he still betrayed her, and allowing him to live is probably more than he deserves in her eyes. Sadly for Jorah, he€™s not only had to leave Meereen, but the woman he loves as well, and there€™s hardly any chance that she€™ll forgive him.

Adam Holmes is a writer who loves a good story whether it's fact or fiction. When he's not day-dreaming about time travel, he's usually immersing himself in all things film, television and comic books. He hopes to one day break into the entertainment journalism industry. Yes, he is aware of his resemblance to Clark Kent and McLovin. Keep up on the latest geek news by following his articles at Unleash The Fanboy: