Game Of Thrones: 9 Characters (Apart From Joffrey) Who Really Need A Slap

2. Cersei Lannister

cersei Game of Thrones aside I don't think any list of bad people in television is complete without Cersei. Brought to life in a scarily perfect way by Lena Hedley, she is the most evil character in the show. Every action she commits is treacherous and every word from her lips drips with spite. What her much more likable brother Jaime sees in this witch the rest of us will never know. Oh yeah, cannot reinforce the fact that she only looks to hook up with her closet siblings or nearest cousins. What truly makes Cersei so awful is that like her father Tywin points out to her face, she is not very smart. Once grandpa Lannister showed up in King's Landing to right the mistakes of his stupid children he begins showing Cersei a little more each episode how if she wants to be useful to the family she can try to look pretty because she's not cever enough to actually help him with anything important. This has made an already intolerable character become just the worst. Thing of it is we still have probably four seasons to go before she is brought to justice.

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