Game Of Thrones: Ranking The 9 Major Houses In Their House Words

5. Ours Is The Fury (House Baratheon)

Out of all of the families in Game of Thrones, House Baratheon is the one that has experienced the most internal strife, and perhaps this is fitting because the Baratheon words are €œOurs is the Fury.€ While King Joffrey Baratheon (who we know is really a Lannister) now rules on the Iron Throne, both of the late King Robert€™s brothers, Renly and Stannis, made their own claims to the throne before Renly was killed by Melisandre€™s magic. Now only Stannis remains and he is still determined to retake the throne, even though he's been broken at the Blackwater and scarpered up north to fight in a more magical war. These house words are obviously appropriate and they are intimidating, but their power to threaten is somewhat lessened by the internal consequences that unbridled fury has on the family that wields it. As such, the Baratheons have basically been torn apart by fury. So while €œOurs is the Fury€ may be very accurate in this case, these words must also be used with caution if the family is to survive.

A chronicler of all things media. A lifelong film and television geek. A tenacious listener of movie music.