Game Of Thrones Season 4 Spoilers: 9 Characters Who Will Probably Die

2. Tywin Lannister

Often cast as the villain of the piece - which somewhat ignores the tribulations of his past - Tywin eventually gets his comeuppance for mistreating his son. After the trial by combat that Tyrion's champion loses, the Imp is found guilty and imprisoned, but the night before he is scheduled to be executed, he is freed by his brother Jaime and Varys. During the escape, Jaime reveals the truth about Tyrion's first wife Tysha - that she was not a prostitute, and simply a peasant who truly loved Tyrion. He is furious, swearing vengeance on his family, and starts quickly, when he goes to see his father. Method Death by son. Enraged by Jaime's revelation concerning Tysha, Tywin goes to see his father, who goads him about his former wife, and shoots him with a cross-bow. The Impact Tyrion flees across the Narrow Sea to a destination chosen by Varys. Incensed, Cersei offers a lordship to anyone who helps find her brother. When Tommen Baratheon is crowned king, Cersei names Harys Swyft as Hand of the King, because he is weak, and Kevan Lannister refuses the position.

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