Gilmore Girls: The Progressively Harder Rory Gilmore Quiz

Are you a straight "A" student when it comes to Rory Gilmore or is this a test you are set to fail?

Rory Gilmore
Warner Bros Television

The seemly perfect Rory Gilmore is a much more complex person than she first appears. Like a character from one of her beloved books, she isn't always perfect.

Over 7 seasons and a mini series we watch Rory turning from a 15 year old girl to a fully fledged College graduate. We see her fall in love and have her heart broken. We're there when she become Valedictorian and see the lows of her arrested for stealing a yacht.

Rory is often stuck in the middle between the difficult relationship between her mother Lorelai and her grandparents. She is the all round good girl, who does exactly what is expected of her... but of course not everything goes to plan.

Her relationship with Lorelai is a wonderful friendship and whose heart didn't break during the time they didn't speak. There's nothing Rory loves more than a good book, a cup of coffee and takeout fast food; who can't relate to that!

Just how much do you know about Rory Gilmore? Are you a straight "A" student when it comes to Lorelai's daughter or are you failing with a "D"?

Each question in this quiz gets harder and more difficult. Not even a Stars Hollow resident would be able to score top marks. How big a Rory fan are you? Let's find out!

1. What Is The Name Of Rory's Best Friend?


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.