Glee: 10 Best Finn Hudson Moments

7. Girls Just Wanna Have Funglee girls just wanna fun While we're on the subject of rocky relationships, let's look at the following list of Finn Hudson nicknames: Double-Stuffed-Fatty-Gassy-McGravy-Pants, Bacon-Wrapped-Bug-Eyed Hypocrite, My Sloppy Seconds, Finnocence, Pastry Bag, Doorknob, Tubs, The Knuckle-Dragger, Soft Serve, Pillsbury Dough Turd, Orca, Lumps The Clown, Grimace, Hamburglar, Fetus Face On the Pride, Lumps, Frankenteen. Sound familiar? They are all things that Santana has called Finn Hudson, sometimes in one very long list, sometimes one at a time. And how does he respond to it? In "I Kissed a Girl," he tells her "you deal with your anxiety surrounding this stuff by attacking other people and someday that's not going to be enough and you're going to start attacking yourself." Pretty compassionate stuff towards the person who called him the Pillsbury Dough Turd. He follows up his assertion that Santana means something to him with "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." He expresses in one scene concern for her and confirms it in the next scene by showing understanding. He treasures the person that she is and no matter what crap they've faced, that's the end result.


That's Kaki pronounced like the pants, thank you very much, my family nickname and writing name. I am a Red Sox-loving, Doctor Who-quoting, Shaara-reading walking string quartet of a Mormon writer from Boston. I currently work 40 hours at a stressful desk job with a salary that lets me pick up and travel to places like Ireland or Philadelphia. I have no husband or kids, but I have five nephews to keep me entertained. When not writing, working or eating too much Indian food, I'm always looking for something new to learn, whether it's French or family history.