7. Santana, Holly and Brittany sing "Landslide"
This episode in the second season entitled "Sexy" was a huge turning point for the character of Santana but really for the entire show. Up until this point Santana was probably the most underused character on the show, but pretty much after this one performance she shot up to being one of the key 5 characters. This song, originally by Fleetwood Mac, was used to allow Santana to express her feelings of love to her fellow cheerleader Brittany, and was the first time the audience at home found out that Santana was a lesbian (though there had been the occasional clues throughout the season). This was a huge shock for me when I initially watched it, and it could have easily felt forced, but this beautiful song, and the look in Santana's eyes as she is singing it towards Brittany is heartbreakingly sad. Up until this one moment, I didn't so much care for the character of Santana, but since, she has easily become one of the most interesting characters on the whole show and in my top 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YDZTudbX50