9. Kurt and Rachel "Defying Gravity"
This musical moment in the first half of Season 1 is probably the first time in the whole show where I actually though "Wow". Kurt and Rachel compete for a chance to sing a solo by singing the song from the musical Wicked, "Defying Gravity" against one another. Both their vocals are stunning, and although Kurt is the weaker singer, he gives one hell of a performance that perhaps even out performs Rachel herself. The real emotion from this scene however comes when Kurt sabotages his own chances and sings off key on purpose so that his father won't have to put up with more abuse at work for having a gay son, believing that if he won the solo, he would be on show for the whole town to see. Still, this musical performance is breathtaking, and really edge of you seat stuff. Although Rachel is my favorite character (just) and for the most part I wanted her to out perform Kurt and win, a really felt for Kurt when the performance was over. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQHIFMzQSs0