Gotham: 10 Hints At What's To Come

9. Introducing Hugo Strange...

It's weird that a load of criminals are interested in resurrecting Arkham Asylum since, for the most part, it's an institution on the right side of the law. At least, the majority of the time, anyway. There's been periods where the hospital was run by some slightly less well-intentioned owners, and times where maniacs literally ran the asylum. There's also been a few moments where an actual member of Batman's rogues gallery, Hugo Strange, was in the employ of Arkham as their head psychologist. Which is odd, not just because of his surname, but also because he's a lunatic with a genius-level intellect who was amongst the first bad guys to figure out the Caped Crusader's secret identity, and he's confirmed to appear in Gotham's first season. Following that initial announcement, there hasn't be a whole lot more out of Fox about the character. No idea who's playing him, how he'll figure into the story, and whether he'll appear in his usual guise or else as a pre-villain in the manner of Poison Ivy, The Riddler et al. It'd be a reasonably safe bet to assume his introduction will have something to do with Arkham Asylum, however, since his whole bag is analysing and manipulating people. Along with a stolen "concentrated lightning" machine that lets him create fog and thus rob bank without being identified, which sounds ridiculous, but this is a show whose last episode centred on a vigilante who strapped bad 'uns to weather balloons and let them float up into the stratosphere to die. Nothing is too ridiculous for Gotham. Not even a guy called Hugo Strange.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at