Gotham: 10 Most Terrifying Villains So Far
3. Jason Skolimski
Who He Is: Also known as the Ogre, Jason Skolimski was a man whose disfigured face as a child traumatized him even after plastic surgery rendered him rather handsome. He became a serial killer, kidnapping attractive young women after convincing them to spend the night with him and then forcing them into a facsimile of a romantic relationship while trapped in his apartment. When they are unable to perform as he desires, Skolimski binds them, photographs them, and murders them.
What He Did: When Gordon begins investigating the Ogre murders, Skolimski abducts Barbara Kean. He soon comes to consider her a kindred spirit and treats her differently from his past victims. When she resists, he forces her to either face her own death or select victims to be killed in her place. Skolimski takes her to her parents' home after Barbara names them and manages to slice Barbara on the throat when he is finally cornered by Gordon.
Current Status: Dead. Gordon shoots him in the head.