Gotham: 10 Villains To Expect In Season 2

7. Mr Freeze

The show's producers have been fairly open in their plans for future villains. In an interview John Stephens suggested that Victor Fries might easily fit into the world of Gotham: €œ€œWe always want to walk the fine line of the reality of our world. Walking right up to that line where super-villains live,€ he told one interviewer. €œSo there are a lot of characters from Batman lore that fit that bill.€ €œPeople like Victor Freeze €“ who€™s a science villain. You can play a lot of his abilities without going into the world of superheroes.€ Since then it's been heavily hinted at that Freeze will be making an appearance in the second season of Gotham, assuming they can dispel memories of...cough...the last time he appeared in live action. Freeze actually has one of the more tragic back stories of Batman's villains, which is saying a lot for that tormented lot. A former cryogenics expert, he attempted to preserve his terminally ill wife until such a time as her ailment could be cured...only for his experiment to go wrong, killing her and meaning he had to be permanently kept on ice.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at