Gotham: 11 Key Things We Know So Far

8. It's Jim Gordon's Show

This is probably the most important point, so sorry for burying the lede a little. Probably the most reassuring piece of news we got about Gotham was that, in putting aside Batman's story for now, the show would be focussing on Commissioner James Gordon in his earlier, Detective days. Not only that but Gordon is going to be played by Ben McKenzie, best known as Ryan from The OC (which is experience enough in my book, since anybody who's experienced multiple Chrismukkahs is more than ready to deal with anything Gotham City can throw at him). Maybe more relevant, however, is McKenzie's recent starring role in cop drama Southland, for which he won plenty of critical acclaim. He could be just the right guy to show us what Jim Gordon was like when he first arrived in Gotham City, before he'd worked his way up to Commissioner. And before he'd grown a moustache. Gordon has long been one of the most engaging supporting characters in the Batman universe, with noted thespian Gary Oldman taking the part in the Nolan films and his being a big part of the 90s animated series and iconic comic book storylines like No Man's Land, The Killing Joke and Year One.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at