Played by Cory Michael Smith, Edward Nygma was shown to be bursting with particular quirks and eccentricities that put those who were informed about his eventual alias on edge. Which was appropriate because the guy ended up stabbing the abusive boyfriend of Kristen and dismembering his corpse like a reverse prosthetist. The Riddler is his own worst enemy. First, theres his fashion sense and second, theres the fact that, despite his genius level intellect, hes a masochist who just cant help but provide clues for the authorities. Which is not the best idea when the person tracking you down is a billionaire dressed head-to-toe in flying rodent themed leather. Unless youre into that. Whatever floats your boat. Comments made by Cory Michael Smith have shown that its now time for Nygma to ante up and fully embrace the dark side. Smith has revealed that "Edwards darker voice is going to manifest itself and very literally there will be two Eds contending with each other". It appears that Nygma will be at war with himself in Gotham and Smiths sporadic facial expressions are truly going to be a sight to behold. The scene in which he argues with himself in the mirror is definitely a sign that not all is well upstairs. Seriously, check out that picture. He looks like his mum just told him that he was adopted and she wishes that she kept the receipt.