Gotham Season 5: 5 Major Questions We Have After 'Ruin'

1. Is Jeremiah Really Dead?

Gotham Jeremiah Joker

Every episode of Gotham tends to leave us with a series of questions, but there's always one that trumps the others. This time, it centres on Jeremiah's apparent death in Ruin, and whether or not the laughing psychopath has truly snuffed it.

If this were any other show, then there really shouldn't be any doubt about the former red-head's fate. Jeremiah was stabbed by Selina dozens of times before collapsing to the floor, and there was a genuine surprise on his face, which confirms that he didn't see it coming. In other words, he should be dead.

However, this is Gotham we're talking about, and death is of little importance on this series. Chances are, the character will be back in some capacity in future episodes, not only because he's likely going to play a substantial part in the birth of The Joker, but also because there's simply no way that the writers would kill off the character after the backlash they received for doing it to Jerome not once, but twice.

He may be dead for now, but there's absolutely no way Jeremiah's gone for good. If we've learned anything by now, it's that this guy will do just about anything to guarantee the last laugh.

What questions did you find yourself asking while watching the latest episode of Gotham? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.