Gotham Season 5: What Does [SPOILER]'s Death Mean?

1. Jeremiah Isn't Really Dead

Gotham Jeremiah Joker

In spite of us having witnessed Selina repeatedly drive a knife into Jeremiah's sternum, it's safe to assume that the former red-head isn't actually dead. For one, Gotham received a lot of criticism for killing of Jerome Valeska back in the second season - so much so that the showrunners ended up bringing the character back to life the following year. There's no way they'd make the same mistake again - especially not this late in the game - as it would risk alienating their audience entirely.

Then there's the fact that several scenes of Jeremiah - all of which featured in the final season's promotional trailers - have yet to come to fruition. This more or less confirms that the character will be coming back in some capacity.

So, the question here is not 'is Jeremiah still alive?' but instead 'how will Jeremiah come back?'. It's a tough question, but this is Gotham we're talking about - the show has revived more characters than every soap opera combined (well, not really, but you get the picture), so a small matter like death really won't be too hard a hurdle for Jeremiah to get over. The likelihood is is that the wannabe clown will be resurrected by the enigmatic Hugo Strange, before being unleashed on the city to cause havoc once more.

We also know that Monaghan will be portraying a third character in Gotham's final episode - likely The Joker - so the likelihood is that Jeremiah will be instrumental in the birth of said character.

Are you excited to see how Gotham will bring Jeremiah Valeska back to the land of the living? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.