Gotham TV Show: 10 Characters Who Must Appear

1. Bane

Now, here's a classic Batman character who would be a huge challenge to introduce into Gotham. The Knightfall arc resolves that during the time of Gotham, Bane would be incarcerated in a prison in the fictional Caribbean Republic of Santa Prisca, and though his childhood is something we'd absolutely love to see translated to the screen, it'd be extremely difficult to portray without seeming overwhelmingly forced...unless Bane was ret-conned for the purposes of the show, though this likely wouldn't go down well with fans at all. How Likely Is It? 2/10. This one's really pushing it, because he's not just in a different country to Bruce at this time, but he's in a freaking prison! There aren't really any believable circumstances that could bring Bane and Bruce together as kids, though a quick easter egg on a TV screen referencing the harsh prison conditions in the country would be a nice way to nod at the character without having to go overboard. Who do you most want to see show up in Gotham? Let us know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.