Harley Quinn: 5 Reasons You Need To Check It Out

2. Irreverent, Meta Humour That Rivals Deadpool

Fourth-wall breaking has become something of an overused trope ever since Deadpool made it popular, but good old fashioned meta humour will never go out of style, especially when you've writers clever enough to make full use of it. Thankfully, HQ has the writers to manage exactly that.

This show swoops in on comic book tropes and well-known character details and turns them on their head. The show will point them out and either subvert expectations to detract from the clichés or use the opportunity to take on well-tread commonalities, but put their own spin on them. Well-known characters are subjected to playful jabs or brutal takedowns from characters within this universe that are just as painfully aware as fans are of superheroes and their 'rules.'

Thankfully, while the show may sound cynical or resentful of being a 'comic book' show (as some meta-heavy genre projects can be), this is far from the case. Harley Quinn works so well because it makes fun of itself AND what came before. The show relishes the rich history it has to work with, but delights in adding onto it.

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Harley Quinn
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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.