How I Met Your Mother: All Of Barney's Love Interests Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Nora

How I Met Your Mother Robin

Nora is by far the best woman that Barney has ever had a chance with, changing his life for the better. Barney screws up with Nora every single time he is given the opportunity, ruining this relationship unfortunately.

Nora is a British woman that works with Robin, and she is very headstrong and self-assured. She will not tolerate any lying from Barney, making him always tell her the truth so that they can create a strong foundation in their relationship. She plays laser tag with him, lets him meet her parents, and ultimately makes Barney much less of a misogynistic character.

He ends up cheating on her with Robin, who he then leaves her for even though she does not leave her boyfriend for him. Nora was the perfect balance to Barney's chaotic energy, calming him down and making him more relatable and down to Earth. By making him be truthful, she really changed his entire personality and made him a much better person.

She is the only partner Barney has had that really impacted his life in such a positive way, rather than allowing him to continue on the same paths he was on.

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