How I Met Your Mother: Progressively Harder Ted Mosby Quiz

How did he meet the mother again?

How I Met Your Mother Ted Mosby

By 2005, it seemed like every idea for the American prime-time sitcom had dried up. Seinfeld was the show about nothing, The Simpsons was a satirical dismantling of the modern family and Friends was, well, about a group of Friends. Just when it seemed like sitcoms had encountered a barren landscape, a little show with a big story reinvigorated a stale genre, How I Met Your Mother.

While a lot of the individual stories from the show are still very fondly remembered by the generation that grew up with them, the one thing that kept people talking the most was the selection of eccentrically charged personalities on show - of which there was absolutely no shortage of.

Amongst these characters we had our main protagonist - despite his vitriolic tendencies - Ted. Ted Mosby (or Schmosby depending on which episode you are watching) is very much at the centre of everything. Just like any other leading character though, Mosby racked up a big rap sheet over his time in Manhattan. But just how much can you remember his best and the worst moments on the legendary show that is How I Met Your Mother?

Answers at the end!

1. What Did Ted Steal For Robin?


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: