If The Walking Dead Was Written From Daryl's Perspective

"Good Cop Is Now Rick And We're Best Friends For Life"

The Walking Dead Daryl Holding Judith Gif Gif

He killed Big Ears and that's okay because he really was a massive douche and then Rick went mental at everyone on the road saying that they needed to follow him or leave. Now everyone is in a prison and Daryl is Rick's right hand man... promoted, oh yeah. "There's now a guy called Axel wanting to tune my motorbike. Does he not know who I am?" "Oh f*ck Lori died and Rick looks like he's laughing; someone is going to make that into a meme." "And now there's a kid that screams all the time, but it's fine because somewhere on this weird journey to bad-assery, I learned how to hold and soothe a baby. Nobody should question that, because it makes me look LAYERED." "Also, I look hot and I'm even better at picking out names. I will call you Lil Ass Kicker. What? You guys went for Judith? That's like an old person's name."

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com