Iron Fist Season 2: 17 WTF Moments

13. Ward's Soap Opera Romance With His NA Sponsor

Iron Fist Season 2

The season's most blatantly soap opera-infused subplot was surely Ward's relationship with his Narcotics Anonymous sponsor Bethany (Natalie Smith). He's engaged in an inappropriate relationship with her from the season's very first episode, and later on learns that she's pregnant by him (by which point they've broken up).

In the final episode, Ward visits her at a meeting and insists he wants to be an active part of hers and the child's lives. However, she tells him she needs to do this on his own, and wishes him well on his own road to sobriety and personal improvement.

Though the performances are solid enough, it does feel like needlessly overwrought, melodramatic filler material in a show about a guy with a magic, glowing fist punching people. Speaking of which...

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.