It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: 10 Best Recurring Jokes

8. Charlie Work

Frank Reynolds Man Cheetah Rum Ham

You might think that your job is a bit of a grind, but compared to Charlie Kelly's, it's probably a walk in the park. This poor man's life is a constant struggle, as not only does he live in horrible conditions, but he also gets mocked by his friends, is shunned by society and has to do "Charlie work".

This umbrella term constitutes any job in the bar that's deemed gross. You've got your classic rat bashing, playing with electrical equipment, and toilet cleaning, but there's also syphoning gas, taking out hornet's nests and much more. No wonder he huffs so many chemicals.

Charlie is so comfortable getting down and dirty, and that's what makes "Charlie work" so funny. All of the other gang members are terrified at the prospect of even doing one day of it, meaning that it's a constant source of laughs and conflict.

It even led to the phenomenal episode of the same name, which saw Charlie manage an entire airline miles chicken scam whilst passing a health inspection, showing how vital "Charlie work" is.

Fans can only hope that they eventually get a "Charlie Day" like Mac and Dee Day, where the rest of the gang finally get their hands dirty with some "Charlie work".


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