It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Quiz: Rickety Cricket - What's His Next Line?

How many of Cricket's more immortal lines can you remember?

It's Always Sunny Cricket

Is there a more fascinating/depressing/hilarious character arc in television history than that of Matthew Mara, a.k.a Rickety Cricket?

Cricket, cruelly nicknamed so due to the sound of his childhood leg braces, is introduced as a devout priest, who Dee tricks into leaving the church; he is reduced to living on the streets before Dee and Charlie get him selling drugs. By the end of the episode, the now maniacally cocaine addicted Cricket has his legs broken by the mob and the rest is history.

As of this time of writing, little remains of the creature formerly known as Matthew Mara. A hideous mass of scars and ringworm willing to debase himself in any way for a hit of PCP, Cricket always seems to find himself in exactly the wrong place when guns go off, hatchets get launched or doors to burning apartments get locked.

Serving as the Gang's very own version of the picture of Dorian Grey, Cricket's depraved descent from respectable man of God to unhinged street rat is always absolutely lung busting stuff no matter how depressing the depths he sinks to; such is the performance of David Hornsby. Has such range or character development ever been demonstrated in the history of television? Give the man an Emmy!

To celebrate his pending nomination, see how many of Cricket's more immortal lines you can remember.

1. "Oh Wow, It Is You! Matthew Mara!"


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.