J.J. Abrams' Revolution - TV Preview Review
Is it enough to keep you watching when the power goes off?

rating: 4.0
rating: 3.5
Miles Matheson (Billy Burke) The Uncle to Charlie, an ex-soldier estranged for a long time from his brother Ben Matheson, who describes him as someone who is good at killing. He is meant to be the anti-hero. Much like Sawyer from Lost, his actions are shaped by self-interest and he is a reluctant Samaritan even when it comes to helping his family. He seems to have had the hardest experience in the intervening 15 years. Burke definitely has the comic chops to deadpan everything in front of him and the nuance to play the tortured soul full of regrets, but it is hard to imagine him as an ass-kicking, sword wielding action hero. The big action set piece was choreographed well, but left me in need of a bit more convincing. I still think of him as Bellas Dad from Twilight.rating: 4.0
And now for the rest (some of which may not be series regulars): Danny Matheson (Graham Rogers) The asthmatic, younger brother to Charlie. Of all the characters, he is the only one who visibly suffers because of no electricity. Everybody else seems almost content in this new way of life. The lack of accessible modern medication demonstrates that the world post-electricity is not such an idyllic paradise. His story arch could be very promising.rating: 3.0
Ben (Tim Guinee) and Rachel Matheson (Elizabeth Mitchell) They know all the answers (maybe) and you can expect a lot of flashbacks centred around Charlies parents to shed light on the aftermath of the blackout. Spending a big chunk of the series focusing on this time period should make it more dramatic. Screen time might be limited for these guys, but dont be surprised to see them again and again as they are portrayed brilliantly by Guinee and Mitchell; great casting.rating: 5.0
Aaron (Zach Orth) Aaron, the ex-Google millionaire come school teacher, brings the comic relief to Revolution. Connected in some way to Ben and Rachel Matheson mysterious past he would definitely be the least likely to survive the end of the world, but somehow he did. It will be interesting to see how a guy whose knowledge base in computing with a huge fortune adapted to a world with no electricity or money.rating: 3.0
John Neville (Giancarlo Esposito) Playing the squad leader tasked with finding Miles and Ben, he exudes malice. Often smiling as he exploits his influence over people that get in his path. However, he comes across as a man just doing a job, a man wishing he didnt have to do what he does. An insurance adjuster who becomes a Captain in the militia! He is already my favourite.rating: 5.0
Nate (JD Pardo) Of all the characters, Nate could be the one that viewers lambast. It is so clear he doesnt belong in the wilds or villages, because he looks like he just came out of a spa. I have a feeling he is not going to last very long in the series. It is hard to pinpoint the exact problem with this character; maybe it is that hes just not believable at all. Hopefully the next few episodes deal with it one way or the other.rating: 1.0
Maggie (Anna Lise Phillips) The village doctor who acts as a protector to the Matheson family. Not much is disclosed about her, but her actions suggest a ruthless survivor.rating: 2.0
Grace (Maria Howell) At first she appears to be a minor character, but there is definitely more to come from her. She acts the lonely hermit, but she is somehow connected to the Mathesons.rating: 3.0
Sebastian (David Lyons) A former friend of Miles from their army days. A person glimpsed at briefly in the episode, but one that will affect the lives of many people with his actions and choices.rating: 4.0
Characters Overallrating: 4.0
If youre expecting a sci-fi romp then be warned this is not (in my opinion) technically a sci-fi, but there some key sci-fi elements. Think of a Wild West future mixed with the plot of a survival adventure and youll get a closer description. Although Im interested in seeing how the characters interact in the frontier-like landscape of 15 years later, what I really want to know is how people reacted to and were changed by the chaos resulting from the blackout. I want to find out how they survived, what the government did and so on. These conundrums are enough to keep me intrigued, but judging by the preview it is nowhere near the layered, multi-plot complexity of Lost. Thats not a condemnation, just a slight disappointment. Revolution doesnt blow any fuses, but it shows enough promise to at least keep the lights on for a while longer. Overallrating: 3.5
If youve seen the preview or have an opinion on the casting please feel free to leave a comment. Are you looking forward to Revolution? Do you know why that locket is so important? Let us know below.