Jack Bauer vs Walter White: Who's The Most Badass Character?

6. Survival

Jack: His string of military decorations include a Silver Star, the Purple Heart, and the Legion of Merit, in addition to racking up the rank of Captain in the Army. What's more, in season 2, Jack survives parachuting from a plane mere minutes before it drops a nuke into the Mojave Desert, and survives his heart being stopped for several minutes in the very same season. Oh, and he kicks a heroin addiction in a mere 24 hours in season 3, initiates an international incident with the Chinese in season 4, gets kidnapped by the Chinese at the end of season 5, and apparently doesn't crack despite being tortured for 2 years straight. As it stands presently, he's on the run from the Americans and Russians, apparently lying low in London. Walt: For starters, Walt begins his epic journey diagnosed with Stage IIIA lung cancer, being given 2 years to live. Walt is totally out of his depth at the start, getting in deep with gangsters far more au fait with the whole drug dealing thing than himself. By season 2, Walt's confidence grows, and to boot, his tumour shrinks by 80%. Following this, he is kidnapped countless times, but manages to survive until the final scene of the show, surrounded by all of his meth-cooking equipment, as was really the only way for him to go. WINNER: By default, by virtue of still being alive, this one really has to go to Jack. Not to diminish Walt's battle with cancer while he was still alive, but again, Jack's near-superhuman hardiness leaves him about one step away from being a very limber zombie.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.