Jessica Jones: 8 Things We Need To See In Season 3

5. Killgrave Returns... Again

Jessica Jones Kilgrave Krysten Ritter David Tennant

The unfortunatle fact remains that you can't have Jessica Jones without Killgrave. The Purple man's comeback in Season 2 turned out to be a stunning one, this time as a malevolent voice in Jessica's head. But where will it go from here?

David Tennant has already been confirmed for Season 3, meaning this nasty side of Jessica's conscience has by no means been put to rest. It's uncertain whether his Season 3 return will be for another one-off episode, or for a longer and more impacting run. But the latter could make for a seriously rough episodic ride.

Killgrave had a power like none other. With a talent for influence, that could have told Thanos where to shove his gems, he was about as dangerous a Marvel bad guy as one could imagine. So could that danger still live on inside Jessica's head, and what could it mean for our supercharged protagonist and the rest of New York if it did? Perhaps in some unnameable form, he'll take centre antagonist stage once again. Daredevil versus Kingpin will have nothing on that battle.


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