Jessica Jones Season 2: 14 Things You Missed

10. Maury Tuttlebaum Really Loves Food (Episode 3, "AKA Sole Survivor")

Jessica Jones Maury Tuttlebaum

After Jess discovers a human skull in the incinerator in Dr. Hansen's basement, she sneaks it into the morgue to try and figure out who it belongs to. She accesses mortician Maury Tuttlebaum's (Daniel Marcus) computer, but doesn't have the password.

Handily, Tuttlebaum made the rookie mistake of leaving his password on a post-it note stuck to the computer monitor. His password? "FOOD82"

This is of course a nod to Tuttlebaum previously allowing Jones access to the morgue in the show's first season in exchange for Trish getting him reservations to the hottest restaurants in New York City. It's a fun little callback to his foodie ways without just rehashing the same shtick.

As for what the 82 stands for? Well, the guy sure ain't 35 years old, so it's anyone's guess.

Jessica Jones Maury

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.