Joss Whedon's 5 Most Neglected Deaths

4. Wesley Wyndam-Pryce - Angel

Just because it's the final episode of a Whedon series, it doesn't mean you've made it. Anya was present for over half of Buffy's seven year run only to be slain unceremoniously just ten minutes before the end of the finale, and in Dollhouse not one but two main characters stopped breathing before the final credits rolled. Being the final episodes however, with people knowing that none of the characters would return to TV screens anyway (although it was Whedon who paved the way for canonical comic continuations), these deaths are rarely given the attention they deserve. Of all the characters seen and loved throughout the various Whedonverses, none had such an arc as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. First seen as inept watcher in season three of Buffy, he later went from rogue demon hunter to both leader and betrayer of angel Investigations throughout all five seasons of Angel. As if having to watch his true love be consumed by the reincarnating demon Illyria wasn't enough, the fact that he died in the arms of said demon possessing her body just added insult to emotional injury. As emotional to us as it was to Wesley when he accepts Illyria's offer of 'becoming' Fred for him; the climax to a relationship that makes Buffy and Angelus' seem totally straightforward. Much more than any other, it is Wesley's death that reminds us not just how much growth and evolution there are in Whedon's characters, but how much more there could have been.

One man fate has made indescribable