JuJutsu Kaisen: Ranking The Worst To Best Battles

11. Maki Vs. Mai

OK, we know that Miwa is in this battle, but she's kind of an afterthought because the real fight is between Maki and Mai. It's certainly a heated and rather extreme case of sibling rivalry, but it was wholly entertaining.

Firstly, the fact Maki has no cursed energy and Miwa has very little didn't take away from how awesome the fight was. While there were no crazy energy blasts, the action was well paced and full of highlight reel moments. Miwa is certainly impressive with a gun, but Maki with any type of weapon is awesome to watch.

The moment that really stood out during this particular scrap, was Miwa's final bullet that came from the little cursed energy she had. While it looked like it would be the final blow, Maki literally caught it out of thin air in a moment that surprised anyone watching

Not only was the animation fantastic - MAPPA definitely put a tonne of the episode's budget into the bullet scene - but it showed that the show can be versatile in the action it shows each episode.


Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.