Kiefer Sutherland Returns to TV in New Drama TOUCH
It’s been over a year since Kiefer Sutherland hung up his gun and stopped single handedly saving the world the world as Jack Bauer in the groundbreaking series 24...

The format for 24 was Jack Bauer is gonna have a bad day. Its not that hard to catch up. This is a little more complicated than that Its the openness that this character provides for me that is what actually becomes challenging and very exciting.Created by Tim Kring the man behind Heroes it appears Touch will have a similar feel in the fact it mixes science-fiction with character driven plotlines. Kring had this to say about the shows intent,
In a sea of content out there, how do you break out? How do you make people feel? Thats the most important thing whether we challenge people intellectually or spiritually, Im interested in making people feel something. At the end of an hour, youve had an emotional journey.See what you think and check out the trailer below. Watching the trailer, which actually feels like it belongs to a film, Im certainly interested and Ill definitely be tuning into the pilot, but that I think is mostly down to the fact Kiefer Sutherland is starring in it. It does feel very similar to Heroes; people with special abilities, destiny, predicting the future, stopping a catastrophe, remember save the cheerleader, save the world? And the worry is that this series will not live up to its promise, much the same way Heroes pretty much went down hill following the first season. (Also it kind of reminds me of that awful Nicholas Cage film The Knowing, where numbers are used to predict a future catastrophe.) FOX has picked up 13 episodes of Touch, which is expected to debut in spring of 2012. What do you think? Will you be watching Touch?