Kingdom Come - 10 Things Arrowverse Fans Need To Know Before Crisis On Infinite Earths
9. The Justice League

This one’s a bit obvious but nonetheless, it still deserves a mention.
Much of the plot in the Kingdom Come comic focusses on the Justice League and their struggles with adapting to the changing times. When they do reform after Diana convinces Superman that it is the only way, they at first adopt the old tactics, appealing to the conscience of heroes and villains alike. As you would expect, it didn’t quite work out.
Pandemonium inevitably breaks out and the League is forced to contend with the metahuman prisoners in their newly built prison, as well as other parties who had been waiting for a chance to strike.
The Arrowverse has only name dropped the Justice League once, when Nora mentions them on the list of people who failed to take down Cicada. A couple of Easter Eggs can also be mentioned; a visit to Happy Harbour; the site of one of the League’s bases, and a place where everyone was meeting during the Crisis on Earth X crossover that vaguely resembled the Hall of Justice.
There is little reason to believe we will see any fully realized iteration of the League during the upcoming crossover, but it’s still one to keep an eye out for.