Legion: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

9. It's The First TV Collaboration Between Marvel And FOX.

Legion TV Series Logo
Marvel Comics

This reason is a really intriguing proposition. Many years ago when Marvel sold the X-Men rights to FOX, it was, in fact, only the rights to movies. Therefore, any use of the X-Men on TV by FOX was prohibited, meaning that for this project to go ahead there had to be a collaboration between the two studios.

Whilst the quality of the final product remains to be seen, it is fascinating that an agreement was reached.

This agreement follows on from Sony agreeing for Marvel to play a large part in the production of Spiderman: Homecoming and the web-slinger's movie outings going forward.

These new relationships show Marvel is willing to collaborate in order to regain some control of their properties and begs the question is there more to follow? For a long time, fans have wondered if there is a chance we ever see the X-Men (as well as, the Fantastic Four) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and now, it seems more likely than ever before.

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Adam Speight hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.