Loki Series: 10 Hidden Details You Totally Missed

8. Ancient One's Warning

Loki Gram
Marvel Studios

When Avengers Endgame introduced the idea of time travel to the MCU, sci-fi fans could already guess something would go wrong.

No matter who, what, when, or why, if you mess with time, something is bound to go awry.

Despite the team's "watertight" plan of going back through time, taking the Infinity Stones, and then returning to the present, a few minor details slipped through the cracks.

The damage of this was explained by the Ancient One, who warned Bruce Banner about the effects of plucking an Infinity Stone from the timeline.

The exact same imagery that was once used by the Ancient One of branching timelines crops up again in Loki, only this time it's being relayed by the TVA. While the Ancient One only demonstrated that just one diverging path was dangerous, in Loki we see numerous branches reaching what appears to be dangerous levels indicated by a thick red line.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.