Lost: 20 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References You Must See

11. "Ethan Rom" Equals "Other Man"

Episode(s): 15 Episodes Here's an easter egg of the wordplay kind, because who doesn't love a bit of wordplay? In this case, the neat and subtle reference hones in on the character of Ethan Rom, whose mysterious name can be re-arranged in order to spell out the word "Other Man." This is clearly a reference to Ethan's allegiance to the mysterious group that is "The Others," who the heroes eventually encounter on the island. Ethan Rom (formerly "Ethan Goodspeed") was killed by Charlie, of course; he shot him six times at point blank range in one of the show's "Oh, God, what just happened?" moments. This name thing didn't necessary start as anything more than a little gag inserted by the writers for inclusion on lists such as this one, which kind of makes it even more appreciable (thanks, guys!). But if fans rearranged the letters in Ethan's name to "Other Man" on the Lost website, they were able to access a bonus video of Walt being abducted. Neat.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.