Love, Death & Robots: 9 Reasons You MUST Watch

6. It's Got Plot Twists

Love Death And Robots

Everyone likes a good old fashioned plot twist and that’s exactly what some episodes have to offer. Plot twists can add something new, test how much we’re paying attention and also make us rethink everything we’ve just seen.

It’s good when they can catch you by surprise and that’s what Love, Death & Robots manages to achieve. They’re well written, dark and highly effective. Some episodes throw out simpler twists, whilst others have a bit more depth to them.

Once you’ve learned some of the twists, it’s a good idea to rewatch the episodes so you can view them in a different light. Plus you’ll be able to see if you can pick up on any early clues that hint to what’s really going on.


Yorkshire-based writer who loves cats, middle-aged actresses, and horror films.