Love, Victor Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs


3. There Could Be A Little More World-Building For New Fans

Love, Victor Michael Cimino

We'll talk about how Love, Victor establishes its own identity in more depth shortly, but long-story-short, it does. That said, it could have expanded on its own universe in more detail for viewers of the show who hadn't seen Love, Simon yet.

From the lack of real explanation about what Creek Secrets actually is (something the movie delivered in its opening scene) to the quick-witted, yawn-and-you'll-miss-it monologue about Simon Spier from the returning Ms. Albright, it feels like the show expects you to have seen the film so that you won't ask any follow-up questions. And if you hadn't seen the film and were left with follow-up questions, you probably don't get the answers you're looking for as the show rolls on.

It's a little thing, but one that could have made all the difference for new fans.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.