Love, Victor Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

1. It Doesn't Have Enough Time To Accomplish Everything

Love, Victor

Love, Victor sets out to tell a number of different stories.

On the top of that list is, of course, Victor's coming out story - something that leads him down a long and winding path of self-discovery through a relationship with Mia. Aside from that, however, it's also attempting to tell the story of a family struggling to start afresh and overcome finance worries, tension and infidelity. And there are times that it just feels like it doesn't have enough time to do all that.

Where the story ends up in the season finale does feel like a natural place to go, but the journey to that point isn't exactly a seamless one as it takes a little while to get there. A natural reflection of life? Absolutely, but it may result in viewers who knew of this inevitable plot point feeling a little short-changed by the time the episode concludes.

Be it the fact that each episode runs at least 10 minutes less than you'd expect (though this has its silver linings) or just the fact that 10 episodes weren't enough, Love, Victor does indeed leave you wanting more... but that's not always a good thing.

The stories don't feel like they've even begun to get off the ground yet, so let's just hope it's given a second season to explore them in more detail.

Now, for the positives...


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.