Lucifer Quotes Quiz: Do These Lucifer Morningstar Quotes Sound Right?
It's really a good day for a little Lucifer-ness, don't you think ?

Lucifer is one of the many figures associated with the planet Venus. The Greek translation of books from the Hebrew Bible referred to Lucifer as "morning star" - the fallen son, the old serpent, who rebelled against the God, and sought to take the kingdom of God and his Christ was presented in the popular fantasy drama Lucifer in a different angle.
Yes he rebelled, but no he was not deceitful. On the contrary, he detected lies of ordinary people and brought the truth to the surface by asking one simple question "What is that you truly desire?". A superpower that helped Chloe Decker uncover even the most tangled of cases.
Dr. Linda's eccentric patient was intellectual, spiritual and otherworldly. He had universal problems and was not sure where he belonged. And, after these therapy sessions, it became clear that Lucifer was lost rather than rebellious. However, he managed to find his role, making many human friends and meeting the love of his life.
Well, let's see how well you remember his trip to Earth. Can you guess whether this lines of King of Darkness are correct or suffered a little interference?